The Global Halal Food Market – Riding a Wave of Growth

The literal meaning of the Arabic word ‘Halal’ is permissible. It is utilized about food and drink, which might be permissible for Muslims below Islamic Law, as defined inside the Koran. It lays down instructions specifying what meals may be consumed in addition to the approach of practice, addressing in most cases meat gadgets and animal tissue. For example, the Islamic shape of slaughtering animals includes killing by a cut to the windpipe, carotid artery, and jugular vein.

 Food Market

Muslim clients now contribute to a growing call for excessive excellent and varied Halal food. The Halal certification is a concern for the 1.6 billion worldwide Muslim populace because many Muslims stay in non-Muslim majority nations where Halal-licensed food is hard to locate or in which the authenticity of the certification is probably questionable.

According to research launched in 2015, Muslims currently make up approximately a quarter (23.2 percent) of the global population. They look at further states that the rise within the Muslim populace is because of a younger demographic – many Muslims stay in nations with low median a while like Indonesia, India, and Pakistan – and on-going upgrades in little one mortality fees. With the upward push of the Muslim customer, food-provider chains together with KFC and Nando’s now have Halal shops. At the same time, Pizza Express uses Halal chicken, and supermarkets in Europe are stocking up on frozen Halal meals.

Increasing income tiers among the Muslim populace are fuelling calls for brand spanking new and differentiated Halal food. A developing Muslim populace and financial improvement in nations with large populations of Muslims make this a beneficial phase to invest in. For example, the mixed disposable income of an American Muslim in 2012 amounted to USD98 billion.

The focus aspect is at play for each the Muslim in addition to the non-Muslim populace. The former is becoming increasingly aware of their religious obligations, even as a few professionals agree that the latter is predicted to shift toward Halal meals due to growing concerns about unhygienic and unhealthy food. For instance, Halal meat bills for about 15 percent of total meat sales within the United Kingdom (2.6 billion British pounds), which is a long way better than the proportion of Muslims in Britain (that’s approximately 5 consistent with cent).

 Food Market

Halal products aren’t all relating to meat. The evolving lifestyle and growth in buying powers of Muslims mean that there may be a developing demand for products that agree with Islamic nutritional laws. As the Halal industry maintains to increase past the food region, many industries stand to benefit, which encompass:

More customers are aware that cosmetics could incorporate alcoholic materials or products derived from animals forbidden through Islam. According to 2013 records, the Halal cosmetics, and private care marketplace is really worth about USD13 billion with an annual increase price of 12 percentage.

Halal pharma and healthcare merchandise are in call for no longer simply from Muslims but additionally from non-Muslims who fee well-being products that do not harm the frame inside the long-term. That is why enterprise gamers are inclined to alternate components and manufacturing methods to cater to this demand. As of 2013, the Halal pharmaceutical market became anticipated at USD34 billion – and developing.

Traditionally, Halal tourism has been normally related to Umrah, hajj, and pilgrimage. Recently gaining popularity, this type of tourism refers to hospitality services and products following Islamic practices. , The converting choices of Muslims for journey locations, growing affluent center-elegance consumers, and upward push in diploma of interconnectivity make the journey convenient. This places the Halal tourism marketplace at USD137 billion in 2014.


Fashion homes in Paris and Milan have noticed the industrial capacity for Muslim ladies’ clothing that respects nonsecular sentiments yet carries accurate flavor and style factors. According to a document in 2012, the Muslim fashion industry might be equal to USD96 billion if half of the Muslims’ throughout the globe (1.6 billion) spent USD120 on garb yearly.

Halal logistics also has a cleanability for the boom. An international Halal logistics preferred is consequently critical. This entails paying near attention inside the delivery chain in which the integrity of the product is maintained from the farm to the table of the patron. According to 2014 statistics, this enterprise is projected to develop at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.6 according to cent to reach about USD539 million.

Asia is at the leading edge for Halal merchandise, with nearly one thousand million Muslims or nearly two-thirds of the worldwide Muslim population. Asia’s Halal market has been specifically pushed by India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, and China. With nearly a billion Muslims or close to thirds of the global Muslim population, Asia’s Halal marketplace has been mainly pushed through India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, and China.

 Food Market

With nearly one billion Muslims or close to two-thirds of the worldwide Muslim populace, Asia’s Halal market has been mainly pushed with India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, and China. This marketplace is well worth about USD420 billion (in 2013) and is increasing rapidly. Some of the important things nations in the Asian vicinity that has been playing the course for the regional Halal market are:

Amanda R. Dubose

Spent high school summers getting to know dogmas in Minneapolis, MN. Spent several years merchandising walnuts worldwide. My current pet project is researching Slinkies in Jacksonville, FL. Spoke at an international conference about testing the market for action figures in Hanford, CA. Spent the better part of the 90's lecturing about cellos in Orlando, FL. Spent 2001-2007 building sausage in Naples, FL. Tv fanatic. Internetaholic. Travel expert. Incurable zombie nerd. Coffee advocate. Hardcore web trailblazer. Gamer.